History of Nu Sigma Chapter of Omegq Psi Phi

Notorious NΣ Chapter (1938)

The Notorious Nu Sigma Chapter of thee Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated was chartered at the vision of three previously initiated members.
Brothers Morris O. Williams “Y 1936”, Wesley
Brown “O£ 1936” and C. Maurice Wiley “©Ч 1936” petitioned to establish an undergraduate chapter in Detroit, Michigan after registering on the campus of Wayne University, presently Wayne State University. On Saturday evening, May 21, 1938 at the St. Antoine Branch of the YMCA located at 635
E. Elizabeth Street, this vision became a rality at the direction of the
Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, Bro. George
A. Isabell. Brothers E. Prince and H. McNeal were appointed as co-chairman and also served as the membership commitee for this endeavor.
Thus, twelve initiates were born and formulated the charter member and officers respectively; Brothers
Frederick Yates – Basileus
R. Flether Routt- Vice Basilous
Liens Moore – Keeper of Records & Seal
Spearman Jones – Keeper of Finance
Earl Moore – Keeper of Peace
Hosea Young – Chaplain
Jack P. Hickman – Chapter Editor Oscar Ligett – Parliamentarian Kenneth Lewis, Edward Gett,
Phillip Davenport and Elvin Davenport.
Later that year the Notorious Nu Sigma Chapter moved to the campus of Wayne University where students from nearby colleges and universities were priveleged to become Nu Sigma members.